If Your confined space requires a permit, then OSHA requires " To facilitate non-entry rescue, retrieval systems or methods shall be
used whenever an authorized entrant enters a permit space, unless the
retrieval equipment would increase the overall risk of entry or would
not contribute to the rescue of the entrant." 1910.146(k)(3)
From small tanks or silo's, to larger jobs spanning miles of pipe. Our trained rescue technicians will be on-site with customized equipment & solutions to ensure the safety of your personnel and assist with the planning of your next "Permit Required Confined Space Entry" or (PRCS).
If you have a rescue team of your own, we can provide the performance evaluation or initial evaluation to maintain compliance with 1910.146 (k) (2)(iv)
(Ensure that affected employees practice making permit space rescues at
least once every 12 months, by means of simulated rescue operations in
which they remove dummies, manikins, or actual persons from the actual
permit spaces or from representative permit spaces. Representative
permit spaces shall, with respect to opening size, configuration, and
accessibility, simulate the types of permit spaces from which rescue is
to be performed.)
We also sell CSE productsfor your rescue team to make sure they have the proper equipment for rescue in your confined spaces