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Are You Under Part 46 or Part 48?
There are two types of training requirements in 30 CFR, Part 46 and Part 48.  

         Part 48 covers all underground mines, surface coal mines, and some surface metal/nonmetal mines.

         Part 46 on the other hand covers very specific types of mines.  NOTE: If you are a contractor at a Part 46 mine you may also be under Part 48.  

Please read the descriptions below to determine which Part you are under

You are required to have comprehensive training under Part 48 if you:

         Work in an underground mine or work in shaft or slope construction, or are regularly exposed to mine hazards or work in maintenance or service either employed by management or work for a contractor at the mine for frequent or extended periods.   NOTE:  This includes management if they work underground on a continuing, even if irregular, basis.

If you are a short-term, specialized contract worker, such as a driller or blaster, who works in extraction and production, or who works in shaft or slope construction, and who has received experienced miner training, you may:

         In lieu of subsequent training under that section for each new employment, receive hazard training under 30 CFR 48.11.  

New Miner & Annual Refresher Training

Part 46 New Miner Training or Newly Hired Experienced Miner Training

This training is required if you are:
    •    engaged in mining operations, including developing, drilling, blasting, extracting, milling, crushing, screening or sizing materials, or hauling materials within the            mine

    •    a maintenance or service worker,     working on mining equipment for frequent (a pattern of recurring exposure) or extended periods (more than five consecutive work days); or ??

    •    a construction worker who is exposed to  hazards of mining operations for frequent or extended periods.
Site-Specific Hazard Awareness Training

The production-operator is primarily responsible for providing you this training. It must be given before you start work at each mine site.

This training is required for persons who may come on a mine site but who are not miners. Examples include:
    •    office or staff employees;
    •    scientific workers;
    •    delivery workers;
    •    customers, including commercial over-the-road truck drivers;
    •    construction workers who are not exposed to mine hazards;
    •    vendors or visitors;
    •    maintenance or service workers who are not at a mine for frequent or  extended periods;
    •    maintenance or service workers who are working on non-mining  equipment;
    •    or miners (such as drillers or blasters) who move from one mine to another  while remaining employed by the same independent contractor.